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OptiLIGHT is a light-based treatment that uses precise, intense broad spectrum light to address signs of dry eye disease due to meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). MGD is the most common cause of dry eye disease, accounting for about 86% of cases. The treatment addresses inflammation, which is one of the key underlying factors in MGD. OptiLIGHT was specifically developed to reach the delicate contours of the treated area safely, effectively, and gently using the OPT™ technology. It is intended for use in patients who are at least 22 years old, together with other available treatments, such as Meibomian gland expression, artificial tear lubricants, and warm compresses.

Lumenis’ patented technology OPT™ (Optimal Pulse Technology) transforms the use of light and allows targeted, uniform, precise, and controlled treatment. Specifically designed for the delicate area below the eye, OPT™ safely and effectively breaks the vicious cycle of inflammation associated with dry eye.

OptiLIGHT is a multi-factorial treatment for a multi-factorial disease. It addresses the disease by reducing major sources of inflammation leading to dry eye disease such as abnormal blood vessels, Demodex mites, and pro-inflammatory agents. OptiLIGHT restores the function of meibomian glands and delays evaporation of the tear film.

Treatment protocol typically consists of 4 sessions, at 2 to 4 weeks apart:

  • During treatment, your practitioner will cover your eyes with shields and apply a thin layer of coupling gel on the treatment area.
  • During treatment, light is applied on the skin below the eyes, most patients report minimal discomfort.
  • OptiLIGHT is followed by meibomian gland expression.
  • Each session takes only 10-15 minutes. There is no downtime, you can resume your daily activities immediately.

Contact us today for more information.